Monday, March 3, 2008

String of C#


String of C#.


Escape sequences
\r // carriage-return
\n // line-feed
\t // tab
\\ // backslash
\" // quote

// String concatenation
string school = "Harding\t";
school = school + "University"; // school is "Harding (tab) University"

// Chars
char letter = school[0]; // letter is H
letter = Convert.ToChar(65); // letter is A
letter = (char)65; // same thing
char[] word = school.ToCharArray(); // word holds Harding

// String literal
string msg = @"File is c:\temp\x.dat";
// same as
string msg = "File is c:\\temp\\x.dat";

// String comparison
string mascot = "Bisons";
if (mascot == "Bisons") // true
if (mascot.Equals("Bisons")) // true
if (mascot.ToUpper().Equals("BISONS")) // true
if (mascot.CompareTo("Bisons") == 0) // true

Console.WriteLine(mascot.Substring(2, 3)); // Prints "son"

// String matching
// No Like equivalent - use regular expressions

using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
Regex r = new Regex(@"Jo[hH]. \d:*");
if (r.Match("John 3:16").Success) // true

// My birthday: Oct 12, 1973
DateTime dt = new DateTime(1973, 10, 12);
string s = "My birthday: " + dt.ToString("MMM dd, yyyy");

// Mutable string
System.Text.StringBuilder buffer = new System.Text.StringBuilder("two ");
buffer.Append("three ");
buffer.Insert(0, "one ");
buffer.Replace("two", "TWO");
Console.WriteLine(buffer); // Prints "one TWO three"


Note:Applicable for .net also

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